You know your credit score matters. Your score helps determine how easy it is for you to get financing – as well as the kind of interest rate a lender will offer you. That’s a big deal when it comes to something like buying a car or a house. The difference between a 4% interest rate…
Personal Finance Articles
Financial Planning Tips for New Business Owners
With a financial plan, you can organize your money in a way that reduces stress and builds success. In your personal finances, it acts as the financial roadmap to your long-term financial goals. As an entrepreneur, your plan is there to direct your business growth for long-term viability. Financial planning becomes much more complex if…
5 Ways to Organize Your Finances Before Divorce
If a divorce is looming in your future, you’ll find you have a lot of things to take care of, but your finances should be front and center. Here are 5 ways to get your finances in order before a divorce. 1. Sit down with a Fee-Only Financial Planner, preferably a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst…
10 Ways to Help Kids Deal With Divorce
Divorce is an earth-shattering experience for any couple to go through. In some ways, though, it’s worse for their kids because they were not a part of the decision for the breakup. Parents often try to stay together for the sake of the kids even when the marriage clearly isn’t working. Finally, they admit that…
How to Retire in 20 Years or Less
Have you ever thought about how many more years you have to work? For someone in their mid-20s, you could have a long way to go considering the official retirement age is 65. That’s forty more years of working in a job you may not love, or forty more years of being obligated to show…
Alimony Tax Rules are Changing
The sweeping changes under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) of 2017 affect many aspects of our federal tax system. One major adjustment for many divorcing couples is how spousal alimony will be treated. Definition of Alimony Let’s begin by first defining alimony. According to the IRS, alimony is amounts paid to a spouse…
5 Financial Tips Before You Remarry
When you’re in the throes of a divorce —particularly an acrimonious one with messy finances — the last thing you want to think about is walking down the aisle again. However, after a few years and with a bit of perspective in the marital rear-view mirror, you might meet someone who makes you want to…
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