It’s something you do every day without giving it much thought—you go to your favorite coffee shop to get your cup of motivation for the work day ahead. But did you ever stop and think that the Carmel Macchiato you just ordered could be ruining your retirement? Here are five signs that some of your…
Personal Finance Articles
5 Money Decisions You Might Regret Later In Life
When it comes to money decisions, there’s a lot of room for error. That can leave you feeling pressured to make all the right moves now. The good news is that we can learn from other people’s experiences to help us make better choices today so we don’t end up saddled with regrets about how…
How to Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Just because you earn a good income doesn’t mean you’re able to save. In fact, millions of people don’t have enough in their bank accounts to cover an $1,000 emergency should something go wrong. Others barely have any retirement savings, or their net worth is in the red due to debt they just can’t get…
11 Side Hustle Ideas To Make Extra Money In Your Spare Time
In today’s economy, it is not uncommon for a household to have at least two forms of income. Sometimes this is out of necessity; sometimes it is to get ahead financially. Regardless of why you want the extra income, it’s easier than ever to start a side gig with little or no initial investment. Here…
How to plan for retirement in the gig economy
Once upon a time, it was totally reasonable for middle class kids to expect that they would work for one, maybe two employers, and retire at 65 with a watch and a pension, the end. But in recent years, the economy has shifted towards self-employment and freelance work—the gig economy. The twenty-first century has brought…
5 Hacks to Improve Your Credit Score
Your credit score is a three-digit number that determines a lot in your financial life. It can make the difference between getting the financing you need for major purchases, like a car or home. It can impact your ability to secure the apartment you want. And, perhaps most importantly, it determines how much actually borrowing…
The Earnings Test: Applying For Social Security Before Full Retirement Age
If your planning on taking your social security benefits before full retirement age and plan on continuing to work you will want to make yourself aware of the earnings test. The earnings test is only applied before full retirement age The earnings test reveals the amount you can earn each year prior to full retirement…
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