With so many changes happening to the tax code and how retirement benefits are treated, it can be easy to lose sight of the latest happening with Social Security. What new rules have been implemented? Are there important loopholes that might affect you? While the full impact of the new regulations remains to be seen,…
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Why Do Bond Prices Fall When Interest Rates Rise?
You may think you’re a savvy investor. But have you ever put your knowledge to an actual test? There’s an ongoing national financial literacy study run by FINRA that you can take and review results at any time. The study has found that most Americans cannot correctly answer the following question: “If interest rates rise,…
Why the Government May End Social Security Numbers (and How to Protect Yours)
How much do you think about the security of your Social Security number? All of your life, you’ve been told to keep it secret and safe. However, it’s often requested during life’s everyday moments, such as when you visit the doctor, open a bank account, or start a new job. Data Safety Is in Question…
Here’s How the Social Security’s Representative Payee Program Can Help Your Loved Ones
It’s common to associate Social Security benefits with our comfort and peace of mind in retirement, but there’s another little-known aspect to the program. The Social Security Representative Payee program is a useful tool for anyone who cares for a loved one who are unable to manage their own retirement, spousal, child, parent, or disability…
Gathering Your Documents to Start Preparing Your Taxes
Tax time is here once again. By now, you should have received all of your important tax documents that you will need in order to complete your taxes this year. But where do you start? How do you know what paperwork your accountant will need in order to complete your taxes? Of course, everyone’s tax…
The Importance of Considering Survivor Benefits for Your Spouse
Coordinating benefits with a spouse is a common talking point in discussing how and when to apply for Social Security benefits. These spousal coordination discussions often revolve around maximizing your retirement benefits as soon as possible, which is a common and reasonable concern. But this view ignores an important detail: one spouse will likely outlive…
How to Live on One Income After Having a Child
Having a baby changes everything—from your outlook on life, to the time that it takes to get ready and leave the house in the morning, to your financial situation. Of course, most of this you will have to just learn as you go, but figuring out how to live on one income after having a…
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