As a Millennial, technology plays a leading role in your everyday life. What you may not realize, however, is that your level of comfort with technology puts you at a higher risk for identity theft. Even though many websites require security questions as well as a password to gain access, the truth is that answers…
Recent Articles
Claiming Your Social Security Early and The Tax Torpedo
If you’re worried about outliving your nest egg, you might assume that you’ll be better off taking your Social Security benefits early so you can allow your investments to continue to grow untouched. Unfortunately, this plan does not take into account the issue of how taxes affect your Social Security benefits. In particular, taking early…
How Social Security COLAs Are Calculated Might Surprise You
When the Social Security Administration first started paying out benefits in the 1940s, there was no provision in place for how to deal with inflation. Unfortunately, this meant that early beneficiaries saw the buying power of their benefits eroded as the years went by. This is why the Social Security Administration enacted the annual cost-of-living-adjustment…
10 Things Young Couples Should Know Before Getting Married
You’ve found “the one.” You’re ready to commit to forever. While your relationship may seem absolutely perfect in the early stages, you may want to take a step back to make sure that you truly know the person that you will be spending the rest of your life with. Here are ten things that young…
Are Your Retirement Funds Wandering Aimlessly?
The purpose of your retirement fund is to help provide the income you need to live financially independent in retirement, whatever “financially independent” means to you. Without structure and planning for your funds, that goal can become more and more distant. It doesn’t just happen on its own. It takes careful planning and years, if…
Should I Buy a House or Keep Renting?
“Buying a house is always better than renting.” Renting is throwing money down the drain.” “You’re just building equity for someone else.” Heard these lines before? They should be familiar to anyone who’s currently renting — and has been urged to jump into homeownership as quickly as possible. But are these statements actually true?…
9 Things You May Need to Know Before Claiming Social Security Retirement Benefits
Most Americans look forward to the day that they can start claiming Social Security Retirement Income. In fact, many aren’t just looking forward to it; they are depending on it! The Office of Retirement and Disability Policy recently reported that 62% of aged beneficiaries received at least half of their income from Social Security in…
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