It’s not often that people talk about debt as something good to have. Most of the time when people mention debt, they refer to credit card balances, student loans that feel stifling, or a car payment that might be eating up too much of the household budget. Each of those types of debts does create…
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Is a Roth IRA or Traditional IRA Better for You?
The debate is a long-standing one: Is a Roth or a traditional IRA a better tool to save for retirement? The debate doesn’t end the older you get. In fact, as workers approach retirement age, it’s perhaps even more important than any other time that they look closely at the relative benefits and disadvantages of…
How President Trump, Melania, & Barron Could All Collect Social Security This Year
This may come as a surprise to many, but if you are eligible to collect social security retirement benefits and you still have a dependent child, your child may also qualify for benefits. That includes President Trump’s son Barron, whether he needs the money or not. But for others, this can be a welcome lifeline in…
Why So Many People Want to Avoid Probate
We hear so much about the importance of estate planning and avoiding probate, but very little about the details of why and how. Why is estate planning important? What is probate, anyway? What’s so bad about probate, and how can estate planning help avoid probate? What is probate? Probate is simply the legal process of…
My Husband Just Passed Away – Now What Do I Do?
After the loss of a spouse, especially when it comes unexpectedly, it can be overwhelming to have to deal with so many financial and lifestyle decisions. Many women find themselves in a situation that they may not be familiar with—as many times, their husband has been the primary party dealing with the finances. This may…
Social Security: Will The Benefits Last?
When Social Security was established in 1935 by President Roosevelt, the benefits represented economic security to many in their retirement. The first monthly check was issued to Ida Mae Fuller of Ludlow, Vt. back in 1940. Her first check was $22.54, and she lived to age 100 passing away in 1975. Over her 35 years…
Planning For Retirement Doesn’t End When You Retire
Most people think that planning for retirement ends on their last day at work. But in reality, all of the planning you did up until that point—figuring out when you want to retire, how much you need to save each year, when to claim Social Security—is only the first phase of retirement preparation. On the day you…
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